I love you so much guys. In fact, I love your musics. All of them. There is no music that I don’t like. I have no constructive comment, sorry. All is perfect !! Your songs, your instrumentals… nothing to say !! If I’d say something, it would be “Whoa, I love it”. Trust me, I really analyzed all your musics and tried to find some details I don’t like. Nothing… I love so much all of your songs. It’s so hard to choose a favorite one. When someone ask me “What is your favorite music ?”, I answer “I haven’t one favorite music. But I have a favorite band, it’s The Score and I love all their musics”. I was so excited, so happy when I saw you were on tour. (and so disappointed when I knew I couldn’t come). I hope it’s a great experience for you !! I hope you will meet great fans like me 😀